Day: May 30, 2024

Applying For the Hong Kong Prize

The Hongkong Prize is an international writing competition that gives writers an opportunity to win monetary prizes and showcase their work at an awards ceremony. Additionally, this provides authors with exposure and networking with fellow authors. However, before submitting an entry it’s essential that all rules and regulations are thoroughly read in order to prevent any issues later on.

In 1996, this prize was established by students and friends as a way of remembering Professor Wang Gungwu, an esteemed historian. Since then it has received donations from individuals, organizations and the government, which has been matched. Each finalist receives HK$10,000 prize money.

As well as receiving monetary prizes, winners of the Hong Kong Prize will gain access to world-class research facilities and seminars, which will give them access to cutting edge research technologies while building relationships with potential employers. It is one of the world’s most competitive writing contests so it is wise to apply with care – make sure you read all rules and regulations thoroughly so that no scammers try and take advantage of you!

Many of this year’s Hong Kong Prize finalists are committed to social justice and community service, from brain cancer survivors who run an NGO that assists students with mental health problems to Zambian volunteers working at local charities – these individuals serve as true inspirations. Other finalists include an artist reinterpreting human rights concepts into fine art concepts as well as 20-year-old who seeks to empower women by giving them courage.

Winners of the Hong Kong Prize will be honored at an awards ceremony in Hong Kong and given access to premier research facilities. In addition, they will be invited to international conferences and seminars relevant to their field of study, enabling them to connect with leaders in their field and gain insight into cutting edge research.

Scientists who wish to apply for the Hong Kong Prize must submit an original article that makes a meaningful statement about society at large, demonstrate superior writing abilities and have in-depth knowledge about their topic. As this competition draws thousands of applicants annually, early applications increase your odds of success and allow more time for reading through and understanding all applicable rules and regulations before submitting an application. Avoid any problems later in the process by being sure that you’re applying for the appropriate prize. As well as receiving cash prizes, top ten finalists will also receive shopping vouchers and F&B perks – so if you are up for taking on this challenge visit the website today to discover more! Good luck!